
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Romania VPN Netflix

Netflix proves there's both demand and money to be made from the vast back catalog of film and TV show content.  But for the model to work best, the firm needed to address the biggest inefficiency in the movie industry – 'audience finding', that is, matching content with customers.  To do this, Netflix leverages some of the industry's most sophisticated technology, a proprietary recommendation system that the firm calls Cinematch.Each time a customer visits Netflix after sending back a DVD, the service essentially asks "so, how did you like the movie?"  With a single click, each film can be rated on a scale of one to five stars.  If you're new to Netflix, the service can prompt you with a list of movies (or you can search out and rate titles on your own).  Love Rushmore but hate The Life Aquatic?  Netflix wants to know.The magic of Cinematch happens not by offering a gross average user rating – user tastes are too varied and that data's too coarse to be of significant value.  Instead, Cinematch develops a map of user ratings and steers you toward titles preferred by people with tastes that are most like yours.  Techies and marketers call this trick collaborative filtering.  The term refers to a classification of software that monitors trends among customers and uses this data to personalize an individual customer's experience.Romania VPN Netflix Input from collaborative filtering software can be used to customize the display of a web page for each user so that an individual is greeted only with those items the software predicts they'll most likely be interested in. The kind of data mining done by collaborative filtering isn't just used by Netflix, other sites use similar systems to recommend music, books, even news stories.  While other firms also employ collaborative filtering, Netflix has been at this game for years, and is constantly tweaking its efforts.  The results are considered the industry gold standard.

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