
Monday, March 19, 2012

free freedom vpn account?

The Barracuda SSL VPN has three internal preconfigured User Databases of type Built-in. These are ,Default, Super User and Global. The main system administrator is identified as the Super User who ,would delegate responsibility by creating administrative Accounts and Groups, with the necessary ,access rights, typically within the Default User Database.,In many cases it is likely that a repository of user information exists already, e.g. Active Directory or ,LDAP. Within the Barracuda SSL VPN you can create a user database to an existing repository and ,then use the Accounts and Groups defined within it when creating and assigning Resources and ,Policies. Resources and policies are only accessible to the Accounts and Groups within the same user ,database.,The Global User Database is the exception to this rule; policies across all user databases are visible ,to Global and so resources created in Global can have any policy assigned. This is an efficient way to ,make resources available to all users where a number of user databases exist; the diagram below ,shows how the Everyone policies from two user databases (AD and LDAP) are used to achieve this.Getting Started  19,Chapter 3,Getting Started,The steps to installing your Barracuda SSL VPN into your network are as follows:, The physical installation and accompanying network configurations that must be done to ,integrate the physical hardware into your corporate network., The configuration of the Barracuda SSL VPN itself, which is performed over two separate web ,interfaces: the Administrative interface, for system-related items, and the Management ,interface, for the Barracuda SSL VPN use and functionality. , Fine tune both the Administrative and Management configurations, to customize both for your ,specific environment.,Initial Setup ....................................................................................... 20,The Barracuda SSL VPN Administrator Accounts ............................ 28,

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