
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Se porto mio pc in spagna e mi collego ad internet, il mio paese di prov risulterà sempre l'italia?

Se porto mio pc in spagna e mi collego ad internet, il mio paese di prov risulterà sempre l'italia?

Se porto mio pc in spagna e mi collego ad internet, il mio paese di prov risulterà sempre l'italia?
Se porto mio pc in spagna e mi collego ad internet, il mio paese di prov risulter sempre l'italia?

La parole privacy un po la parole dordine in Internet in questi ultimi tempi. Anche gli utenti medi, ormai, stanno diventando molto pi consapevoli del fatto che il trasferimento dei loro dati nel grande (e non sempre amichevole) oceano che il web meno sicuro di quello che si potrebbe pensare.

Ci sono alcune misure che possibile adottare per aumentare la vostra sicurezza, come linstallazione di un firewall o provare a bloccare gli indirizzi IP noti come molesti che potrebbero spiare le vostre abitudini di navigazione.

Il primo passo per chi cerca di ottenere un livello successivo e sufficiente di sicurezza quello di utilizzare unarete privata virtuale (VPN)per crittografare tutti i dati in entrata e in uscita. Meglio una VPN gratis.

Che cos una Virtual Private Network?

Una Virtual Private Network permette di collegare il vostro computer ad una rete virtuale che a sua volta crittografa i dati inviati, escludendo tutto dal dominio pubblico e fermando lazione molesta di malware e siti dannosi. Una buona VPN non manterr nessun record della vostra cronologia di navigazione, rendendovi a tutti gli effetti degli utenti anonimi.

Molte Virtual Private Network sono riservate ad uso di ufficio, per consentire agli utenti di accedere al loro network di lavoro e ottenere libero accesso ai servizi contenuti in esso. Tuttavia, dal momento che state leggendo un articolo sui servizi VPN gratis, probabilmente siete pi preoccupati per la vostra sicurezza e interessati a scoprire come fare per usufruire delle funzioni offerte da uno di essi.

Non avete necessariamente bisogno di utilizzare Internet per scopi illegali per beneficare di un servizio VPN gratis. Come quando si utilizza un proxy, una VPN pu anche aiutare ad accedere a siti web che possono essere non disponibili nei luogi in cui vi connettete.

VpnTraffic - All in one-tap vpn , libera la tua Internet, aggira i blocchi legati al tuo paese!Scegli un server a cui connetterti tra 35+ paesi nel mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec.
Vuoi accedere a tutti i siti, incluso Facebook, Twitter e altri?
Vuoi navigare con un diverso indirizzo IP?
Vuoi guardare la RAI o SkyGO da qualunque parte nel mondo?
Le caratteristiche di VpnTraffic per Android:
- Connessione "1 tap" al nostro server vpn, setup gratuito!
- Salva username/passwords, devi solo scegliere il server a cui connetterti
- Nessuna limitazione di banda
- Il tuo traffico internet viene criptato
- Aggira blocchi governativi, restrizioni aziendali e quelle legate al paese di accesso
- Cambio di server VPN senza limitazioni (35+ paesi nel mondo)
- Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec
- Funziona con wifi, 3G, GSM e tutti gli operatori

Server VPN disponibili nel mondo:
- Europa:UK, Francia, Germania, Svezia,Russia,Spagna,Svizzera,Italia,Olanda,Norvegia,Danimarca,Belgio,Rep Ceca, Polonia,Romania
- America: USA,Canada,Messico,Columbia, Argentina,Brasile
- Asia: Cina,India,Giappone, Emirati Arabi,Malesia,Singapore, Corea del Sud,Turchia, Indonesia,Tailandia, Filippine, Hong Kong, Vietnam,Israele, Arabia Saudita,Kuwait
- Altri: Australia
Non solo per Android, VpnTraffic supporta altri sistemi operativi, usalo per il tuo PC o Mac.
Che cosa offriamo

Noi assegniamo al vostro computer un Nuovo indirizzo IP da USA,Inghilterra, Germania, Olanda, Irlanda, Singapore, Romania, Svizzera,Malesia, Russia e Svezia. Ridefinisci le regole del tuo firewall,prendi il controllo della tua rete.
Utilizza una connessione SICURA e CIFRATA fra il tuo computer e ilresto della rete Internet. Impedisci a ISP locali di spiarti e dicontrollare la velocit del tuo traffico dati.
I nostri servizi VPN sono un metodo semplice e efficace di aggiungere un ragionevole livello di privacy e sicurezza alla vostra connessione internet. Aggiungonuo un livello di SICUREZZA e ANONIMATO.
Compatibile con Skype e altri software VOIP. Compatibile con Windows,Linux, MAC, iPod, iPhone, Android e Windows Mobile.

※핑 테스트 결과 확인시 time 또는 시간 값이 가장 낮은 서버가 빠른 서버입니다.

vpntraffic - sblocca internet, accesso a skype, voip, canali e streaming come hulu, ecc. Evita i blocchi locali! Server vpn localizzati in tutto il mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Friday, September 27, 2013

How to watch Party Down (ABC iView) when you travelling outside Australia

How to watch Party Down (ABC iView) when you travelling outside Australia

How to watch Party Down (ABC iView) when you travelling outside Australia
How to watch Party Down (ABC iView) when you travelling outside Australia.All the major TV networks in Australia now let you watch full episodes of your favourite shows online, which would be great when travelling -- except that they block people trying to watch from outside Australia.

When you travelling outside Ausatralia,Its not as easy as youd hope: the TV networks block their online video channels to Internet users from outside Australia.
Egypt|Kenya|South Africa|China|Cyprus|Hong Kong|India|Indonesia|Iran|Israel|Japan|Korea|Macao|Malaysia|Philippines|Qatar|Saudi Arabia|Singapore|Syria|Thailand|Turkey|UAE|Vietnam|Taiwan|Austria|Belgium|Czech|Finland|France|Germany|Greece|Hungary|Iceland|Ireland|Italy|Luxembourg|Monaco|Netherlands|Norway|Poland|Portugal|Romania|Russia|Spain|Sweden|Switzerland|Ukraine|Britain|United States|Argentina|Brazil|Chile|Columbia|Peru|Venezuela|Australia|New Zealand

"Want to watch ABC News 24 online when youre travelling overseas -- or just enjot some of your favourite TV shows using online catch-up channels like the ABCs iView and programmes from the commercial channels?"

ABC iview is a video on demand and Catch up TV service run by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The service became available on 24 July 2008.This was the next step after the podcasting of programmes since July 2006. Currently, this site is only viewable to users in Australia. The site streams video in 650kbit/s H.264 format. The iview website uses the RTMP protocol, and is thus officially accessible mainly on platforms supported by Adobe Flash, however the iPad and internet connected TVs such as Sony and Samsung provide access through the use of native applications.
Fortunately, theres an easy workaround for these restrictions. Its a clever bit of technology called a Virtual Private Network orAustralia VPN, which disguises your location to make it appear that your notebook, tablet or even your smartphone is still in Australia.
How to unblock the ABC iview abroad?
VPN stands for "virtual private network" and it works by creating an encrypted link between your computer and a server somewhere else. Its somewhat similar to the technology used by banks to secure online banking websites between your browser and the banks computers.
The technology was originally invented to allow businesspeople to connect in to their company network from remote locations safely, encrypting company info as it was transmitted across the internet so nobody else could tap into the connection and harvest it.
However, VPNs have a wonderful side-effect that can help travellers craving a hit of Australian TV while they are overseas: the location of your computer, when connected to a VPN, is disguised. If you are in the USA and connect to a VPN server in Australia, your computer will appear to be located in Australia.

This defeats the geoblocking that the TV networks websites use to stop people accessing the videos outside Australia.
TheAustralia VPNis an easy-to-use application that allows you to bypass this kind of limitation. It establishes a connection to VPN servers that provide new IPs, within their locations.

Its not as easy as youd hope: the TV networks block their online video channels to Internet users from outside Australia.

Just follow the steps outlined in this article (weve covered how to do it for both Mac and Windows).

When you change toAustralia ip address. You should now be able to access any of the Australian TV websites to watch full episodes online, and live ABC News 24 streaming video.

Once youve selected the Australian server, You should now be able to access any of the Australian TV websites to watch full episodes online, and live ABC News 24 streaming video from anywhere in the world.

Unblock ABC News 24 to Aussies overseas

iView isnt available overseas either, and the ABC has said in the past that this is because it cant get global streaming rights to many programs. That should arguably be less of an issue for news content while the News 24 service includes streamed BBC World News content, that would be pretty easy to exclude from an on-site streaming option for overseas IP addresses. The news FAQ says that copyright on footage from Reuters and other agencies prevents ongoing streaming, but that wouldnt necessarily block selected ABC programs which are repeated on the channel.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to watch Black Books (ABC iView) when you travelling outside Australia

How to watch Black Books (ABC iView) when you travelling outside Australia

How to watch Black Books (ABC iView) when you travelling outside Australia
How to watch Black Books (ABC iView) when you travelling outside Australia.All the major TV networks in Australia now let you watch full episodes of your favourite shows online, which would be great when travelling -- except that they block people trying to watch from outside Australia.

When you travelling outside Ausatralia,Its not as easy as youd hope: the TV networks block their online video channels to Internet users from outside Australia.
Egypt|Kenya|South Africa|China|Cyprus|Hong Kong|India|Indonesia|Iran|Israel|Japan|Korea|Macao|Malaysia|Philippines|Qatar|Saudi Arabia|Singapore|Syria|Thailand|Turkey|UAE|Vietnam|Taiwan|Austria|Belgium|Czech|Finland|France|Germany|Greece|Hungary|Iceland|Ireland|Italy|Luxembourg|Monaco|Netherlands|Norway|Poland|Portugal|Romania|Russia|Spain|Sweden|Switzerland|Ukraine|Britain|United States|Argentina|Brazil|Chile|Columbia|Peru|Venezuela|Australia|New Zealand

"Want to watch ABC News 24 online when youre travelling overseas -- or just enjot some of your favourite TV shows using online catch-up channels like the ABCs iView and programmes from the commercial channels?"

ABC iview is a video on demand and Catch up TV service run by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The service became available on 24 July 2008.This was the next step after the podcasting of programmes since July 2006. Currently, this site is only viewable to users in Australia. The site streams video in 650kbit/s H.264 format. The iview website uses the RTMP protocol, and is thus officially accessible mainly on platforms supported by Adobe Flash, however the iPad and internet connected TVs such as Sony and Samsung provide access through the use of native applications.
Fortunately, theres an easy workaround for these restrictions. Its a clever bit of technology called a Virtual Private Network orAustralia VPN, which disguises your location to make it appear that your notebook, tablet or even your smartphone is still in Australia.
How to unblock the ABC iview abroad?
VPN stands for "virtual private network" and it works by creating an encrypted link between your computer and a server somewhere else. Its somewhat similar to the technology used by banks to secure online banking websites between your browser and the banks computers.
The technology was originally invented to allow businesspeople to connect in to their company network from remote locations safely, encrypting company info as it was transmitted across the internet so nobody else could tap into the connection and harvest it.
However, VPNs have a wonderful side-effect that can help travellers craving a hit of Australian TV while they are overseas: the location of your computer, when connected to a VPN, is disguised. If you are in the USA and connect to a VPN server in Australia, your computer will appear to be located in Australia.

This defeats the geoblocking that the TV networks websites use to stop people accessing the videos outside Australia.
TheAustralia VPNis an easy-to-use application that allows you to bypass this kind of limitation. It establishes a connection to VPN servers that provide new IPs, within their locations.

Its not as easy as youd hope: the TV networks block their online video channels to Internet users from outside Australia.

Just follow the steps outlined in this article (weve covered how to do it for both Mac and Windows).

When you change toAustralia ip address. You should now be able to access any of the Australian TV websites to watch full episodes online, and live ABC News 24 streaming video.

Once youve selected the Australian server, You should now be able to access any of the Australian TV websites to watch full episodes online, and live ABC News 24 streaming video from anywhere in the world.

Unblock ABC News 24 to Aussies overseas

iView isnt available overseas either, and the ABC has said in the past that this is because it cant get global streaming rights to many programs. That should arguably be less of an issue for news content while the News 24 service includes streamed BBC World News content, that would be pretty easy to exclude from an on-site streaming option for overseas IP addresses. The news FAQ says that copyright on footage from Reuters and other agencies prevents ongoing streaming, but that wouldnt necessarily block selected ABC programs which are repeated on the channel.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ragnarok 2 - IP Block?!?! Resolvido Com Outra Alternativa

Ragnarok 2 - IP Block?!?! Resolvido Com Outra Alternativa

Ragnarok 2 - IP Block?!?! Resolvido Com Outra Alternativa
Ragnarok 2 - IP Block?!?! Resolvido Com Outra Alternativa
Aqui daremos um exemplo do Ragnarok 2 mais o VPN server para voc jogar qualquer jogo.
Como jogar Ragnarok 2 no Brasil.
Bom, como muitos sabem o jogo Ragnarok 2 foi proibido no Brasil, se voc tentar baixa-lo pelo Steam receber uma menssagem dizendo que sua regio est bloqueada.
O Servidor VPN vai te ajudar a jogar Ragnarok 2 Online sem complicaes, bem se voc tentar se conectar com seu IP normal, essa menssagem ir aparecer:

Bom, o VPN no ira alterar nada em seu jogo, ele simplismente ir mudar seu IP para o pas escolhido por voc.
Voltando no Ragnarok, depois de logar com sua conta VPN, voc ir conseguir jogar normalmente:

Lembrando que o VPN no server s para Ragnarok 2, qualquer tipo de jogo ou site que so bloqueados no Brasil voc ir conseguri acessar usando VPN.

O que VPN?

Uma Rede Particular Virtual (Virtual Private Network VPN), como o prprio nome sugere, uma forma de conectar dois computadores utilizando uma rede pblica, como a Internet (a rede pblica mais utilizada para este propsito). Para ajudar a entender melhor, pense em uma empresa que precisa interligar duas de suas filiais. Existem algumas alternativas para solucionar o problema:

Com VpnTraffic remove restries baseadas em regies, navega anonimamente com muita segurana e rapidez, tudo isso sem limites.
Voc pode conectar-se a PSN ou Live de outros paises, jogar jogos onde no Brasil proibido ou assistir vdeos no YouTube, Netflix e outros sem a limitao imposta a brasileiros.
Pode inclusive melhorar a navegao local utilizando nosso servidor brasileiro.
Funciona em qualquer celular ou sistema operacional.
Temos mais de 40 servidores espalhados no mundo, nas principais regies do planeta.
Suporte a PPTP e L2TP/IPSec
Tenha uma internet livre, rpida e segura por um preo muito acessvel.

1- Voc precisa de um VPN (Virtual Private Network), como o vpntraffic, que apartir de $1.99 prov:

Conexo usando os protocolos PPTP e L2TP;

Trfego de dados sem restriol

Conexo de alta velocidade;

Encriptao de 128 bits (uma conexo encriptada no pode ser vista por um hacker ou pelo seu ISP (Internet Service Provider, no caso, a sua operadora de ADSL), como a sua conexo com o banco, por exemplo);

Anula o firewall do seu ISP;

Sem logs ou rotas dos seus acessos internet;

Seu IP fica oculto, annimo;

Funciona com Windows, Linux, Mac OS;

Funciona em plataformas mveis, como Android/Windows/iPhone/Blackberry/Symbian

fcil de instalar e usar;

Ativao da conta de VPN instantnea;

Com a VpnTraffic voc remove limitaes impostas por regies, obtm contedos restritos, como canais de vdeos ou ate mesmo jogos. Temos mais de 40 servidores VPN espalhados pelo mundo com suporte pptp el2tp/ipsec

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Thursday, September 19, 2013







進到 設定 / 無線與網路 / VPN,再點新增VPN網路。




選擇「 PPTP 模式」,伺服器IP與帳號、密碼在底下會說明。





接著開啟LINE,並點其它 / 貼圖小舖,在新增頁籤中,就可選擇喜愛的貼圖清單。




哈~這樣就能開始使用囉! 當回到iPhone的時,只要在其它 / 個人 / 購物記錄,就可將貼圖再給,下載回來囉!

VPN | LINE 土耳其活動貼圖






進到 設定 / 無線與網路 / VPN,再點新增VPN網路。




選擇「 PPTP 模式」,伺服器IP與帳號、密碼在底下會說明。





接著開啟LINE,並點其它 / 貼圖小舖,在新增頁籤中,就可選擇喜愛的貼圖清單。




哈~這樣就能開始使用囉! 當回到iPhone的時,只要在其它 / 個人 / 購物記錄,就可將貼圖再給,下載回來囉!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Configurar uma conexão VPN no Blackberry Curve 9300

Configurar uma conexão VPN no Blackberry Curve 9300

Configurar uma conexão VPN no Blackberry Curve 9300
Configurar uma conexão VPN no Blackberry Curve 9300
Este tutorial pode ser usado para os os blackberrys de OS 4 5 6 7

Gateway: Cisco Secure PIX Firewall VPN
Endereo: coloque o domnio ou IP do servidor VPN (por
Nome de Grupo: ipsec
Senha de Grupo: ipsec
Usurio: coloque seu usurio do servidor VPN
Senha: coloque sua senha do servidor VPN
Clique para lembrar sua senha.
Ative a atenticao extendida
Grupo IKE DH: Grupo2
IKE cifra: AES( 256 )
IKE: HMAC SHA1 ( 160 )
IPSec: AES256-SHA1
No use token!

Configurar uma conexo VPN no blackberry z10
O que VPN?
Uma Rede Particular Virtual (Virtual Private Network VPN), como o prprio nome sugere, uma forma de conectar dois computadores utilizando uma rede pblica, como a Internet (a rede pblica mais utilizada para este propsito). Para ajudar a entender melhor, pense em uma empresa que precisa interligar duas de suas filiais. Existem algumas alternativas para solucionar o problema:

Com VpnTraffic remove restries baseadas em regies, navega anonimamente com muita segurana e rapidez, tudo isso sem limites.
Voc pode conectar-se a PSN ou Live de outros paises, jogar jogos onde no Brasil proibido ou assistir vdeos no YouTube, Netflix e outros sem a limitao imposta a brasileiros.
Pode inclusive melhorar a navegao local utilizando nosso servidor brasileiro.
Funciona em qualquer celular ou sistema operacional.
Temos mais de 40 servidores espalhados no mundo, nas principais regies do planeta.
Suporte a PPTP e L2TP/IPSec
Tenha uma internet livre, rpida e segura por um preo muito acessvel.

1- Voc precisa de um VPN (Virtual Private Network), como o vpntraffic, que apartir de $1.99 prov:

Conexo usando os protocolos PPTP e L2TP;

Trfego de dados sem restriol

Conexo de alta velocidade;

Encriptao de 128 bits (uma conexo encriptada no pode ser vista por um hacker ou pelo seu ISP (Internet Service Provider, no caso, a sua operadora de ADSL), como a sua conexo com o banco, por exemplo);

Anula o firewall do seu ISP;

Sem logs ou rotas dos seus acessos internet;

Seu IP fica oculto, annimo;

Funciona com Windows, Linux, Mac OS;

Funciona em plataformas mveis, como Android/Windows/iPhone/Blackberry/Symbian

fcil de instalar e usar;

Ativao da conta de VPN instantnea;

Com a VpnTraffic voc remove limitaes impostas por regies, obtm contedos restritos, como canais de vdeos ou ate mesmo jogos. Temos mais de 40 servidores VPN espalhados pelo mundo com suporte pptp el2tp/ipsec

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Thursday, September 12, 2013

VPN opzetten op 2003 server met een thompson 510 (new model)

VPN opzetten op 2003 server met een thompson 510 (new model)

VPN opzetten op 2003 server met een thompson 510 (new model)
Beste mensen,
Wie kan me op weg helpen met deze uitdaging.
Om te beginnen.
Is het mogelijk om een VPN server te "draaien" achter een Alcatel Thompson 510 (nieuw model). Waarbij de (nat geconfigureerd) poorten tcp 1723 / 1701 open staan en udp 500
Nou heb ik de server geconfigureerd, althans dat denk ik.

VpnTraffic - 1 klik vpn ,35+ landen servers. Snel en stabiel!

VpnTraffic - Alles in een klik vpn , Unblock U Internet, Omzeil op basis van locatie blocks! Selecteer een server locatie waar naar te verbinden, 35+ landen VPN servers wereldwijd ondersteuning pptp en l2tp/ipsec protocols beschikbaar.

ALs U websites wilt unblocken inclusief Facebook, Twitter, en veel meer!

Als U ip adres wil veranderen?

Als U BBC iPlayer over geheel de wereld wilt zien

Als U Netflix wilt zien buiten de US

VpnTraffic voor Android functies:

- 1 klik en U bent verbonden met onze vpn server, geen setup vereist!

- Slaat je username/passwords op, U hoeft alleen nog een server en locatie te kiezen en te verbinden.

- Geen bandbreedtebeperkingen

- Versleuteld Uw internetverkeer (voor u eigen privacy)

- Deblokkeren van overheid en bedrijfsleven beperkingingen, Omzeil "op basis van locatie" blokkades

- Onbeperkt switchen tussen VPN server locaties (35+ landen over de wereld)

- Ondersteund pptp en l2tp/ipsec protocols.

- Werkt met wifi, 3G, GSM, en alle mobiele data dragers.

Onze VPN Servers over de wereld:

- Europe:UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Czech, Poland, Romania

- America: USA, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil

- Asia: China, India, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait

- Other: Australia

VpnTraffic is niet alleen beschikbaar voor Uw Android apparaat, VpnTraffic ondersteund ook andere besturingssystemen. Hiermee kunt U dan zowel Uw PC of Mac mee beveiligen.

VpnTraffic - Deblokeer uw Internet,toegang tot Skype,VOIP,TV-kanalen en streaming videos zoals Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer. Ontwijk blokade gebaseerd op locatie ! 40 + Landen VPN-servers wereldwijd. Ondersteuning voor pptp en L2TP/IPSec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Monday, September 9, 2013

VH1 'ya Türkiye'den Erişmek

VH1 'ya Türkiye'den Erişmek

VH1 'ya Türkiye'den Erişmek
Türkiye'den VH1 hesabı nasıl alabilirim?
Site başlıkta da yazdığım gibi online olarak, mmkn olduğu yerlerde HD kalitesinde (720p), olmadığında DVDden daha iyi bir kalitede dizi, film, anime, izgifilm, belgesel ve burada saymayacağım teki trleri (talk-show falan filan) izlemeye yarıyor. Her geen gn başka başka programlara HD stream ekliyorlar, giderek genişliyor yani HD arşiv.
Girmek iin ABD bağlantısı gerekiyor demiştim, ama Netflix nerede olduğunuzu sadece sitede gezerken ve vidyoları yklerken kontrol ediyor. Yani film yklenince isterseniz Trkiye bağlantınızla bağlanın, bir şey demiyor. Bu nedenle cretsiz bir proxy ya da VPN kullanıp hız gerekeceği film izleme vaktinde kendi bağlantınıza geerek HD yayını verimlice kullanabilirsiniz. cretsiz VPNler iin buraya bakın:
Trkiyeden Pandora Hulu ve Netflixi Kullanma

Pandora Hulu ve Netflix gibi sitelerin ieriklerine yasal sebeplerden dolayı sadece Amerika Birleşik Devleterinden ulaşılabiliyor.
Son dnem ıkan smart tvler de sanırım NetFlix ve Hulu gibi hizmetler app olarak geliyor. Doğal olarak Trkiyede alışmıyordur.
Şimdi bir yerden VPN alsak, bunu modemin iine girebiliyor muyuz? Sonra TV o modemden internete girince kendini USAda sansa Netflix ve Hulu gibi hizmetlere erişimde problem olur mu?

Birde Netflix ya da Hulunun UK kanalları iin bir versiyonu var mı? BBC, ITV, Sky gibi kanalların programları izlenebilir mi aynı şekilde?

Site başlıkta da yazdığım gibi online olarak, mmkn olduğu yerlerde HD kalitesinde (720p), olmadığında DVDden daha iyi bir kalitede dizi, film, anime, izgifilm, belgesel ve burada saymayacağım teki trleri (talk-show falan filan) izlemeye yarıyor. Her geen gn başka başka programlara HD stream ekliyorlar, giderek genişliyor yani HD arşiv.

İlk sylemem gereken Netflixin paralı olduğu, ayda 7.99 $, ama aşağıda size e-mail ile bana gelen 1 aylık trial linkini veriyorum. Arkadaşlarınıza verin diye geldi ve bana bir yararı var mı bilmiyorum. Yukardaki bağlantıdan siteye girip de alabilirsiniz aynısını ama belki bana da bir yararı olur diye benimkini kullanın =) İkinci sylemem gereken şeyi linkten bile nce sylenmesi gerektiğine karar vererek yukarıya aldım.

seviyesi var grntnn: en kts DVD kalitesi ve 1.5 Mbit/s istiyor; sonraki 3 Mbit/s istiyor ve DVDden daha kaliteli, neredeyse her şey bu kalitede izlenebiliyor ve gerekten de DVDye gre epey kaliteli; sonuncu da 720p ve 5 Mbit/slik bir bağlantı istiyor. Ses kalitesi de grntyle birlikte artıyor. Mesela Buffy izliyorum ben şu an, HD kalitesinde ekilmemiş zaten ama internetten ektiğim blmlerden daha kaliteli Netflixde.

Arşivlerinde sylendiğine gre binlerce eser var. Cidden de yle. Kendiniz bakarsınız birazdan zaten =)

Girmek iin ABD bağlantısı gerekiyor demiştim, ama Netflix nerede olduğunuzu sadece sitede gezerken ve vidyoları yklerken kontrol ediyor. Yani film yklenince isterseniz Trkiye bağlantınızla bağlanın, bir şey demiyor. Bu nedenle cretsiz bir proxy ya da VPN kullanıp hız gerekeceği film izleme vaktinde kendi bağlantınıza geerek HD yayını verimlice kullanabilirsiniz. cretsiz VPNler iin buraya bakın

Vpntraffic Nedir?

Normal internet bağlantınız aık iken, Vpntraffic programını kullanarak 100% tm sitelere erişim garantisi sunar. Ek bir ayarlama veya farklı bir internet tarayıcısına ihtiya duymaz. Ulusal filtreler dahil kimse sizin hangi siteye girdiğinizi anlayamaz. İnternet bağlantınız hibir şekilde takip edilemez, btn işlemleriniz gvende olur ve istediğiniz sitelerde surf yapabilirsiniz. Esas amacı internet sansrne zmdr. Akıllarda olan bir soruda kullanıcılarımızın tm bilgileri 128-bit ile şifrelenmekte olup, her kullanıcıya zel kullanıcı adı ve şifre tahsis edilmektedir. Ayrıca belirttiğimiz gibi bilgisayarınızda hibir değişiklik yapmanıza da gerek yoktur.

Trke program entegreli ilk VPN projesi olan Vpntraffic işte bu noktada n plana ıkmaktadır. Kendi sermayemiz ile bugnlere gelen vpntraffic, Mayıs 2011 ayından itibaren, 40 farklı lokasyonda (Almanya, Amerika, Belika, ek, Finlandiya, Fransa, Hollanda, Hong Kong, İngiltere, İrlanda, İspanya, İşve, İşvire, İtalya, Kanada, Lksemburg, Portekiz, Romanya, Rusya, Singapur, Trkiye) 52 adet sunucuyla sizlere VPN hizmeti vermektedir.

Kullanıcılarımızı dşnerek kotalı ve kotasız olarak 2 ayrı paket sunmaktayız. Her 2 pakette de lokasyon kısıtlamamız bulunmamaktadır. Ayrıca nemli bir nokta olan internet hızınıza ve aylık internet kotanıza ek bir yk getirmemektedir. Size sunduğumuz 40 lokasyon sayesinde, istediğiniz an istediğiniz noktadan bağlanabilirsiniz. Tek tuşla Amerika tek tuşla Singapur. Ayrıca bu yazılımımız, 3G Modemler, Windows Mobile, Iphone ve Nokia cep telefon markaları tarafından da desteklenmekte ve kullanılmaktadır. Son olarak istediğiniz zaman Vpntraffic bağlantısını keserek, normal internet hattı zerinden bağlanmaya devam edersiniz.
VPNTraffic ,Internetinizdeki engelleri kaldırır,rahat bir şekilde Skype,VOIP ,TV kanalları ve Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer gibi video kanallarını kullanmanızı sağlar. Blgelere bağlı bloke ve kullanım yasaklarını kaldırır! Dnyada 40+ ın zerinde VPN servisimiz bulunmaktadır ve pptp ve l2tp/ipsec protokollerini destekler.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

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Sunday, September 8, 2013



Mungkin suatu waktu anda menemukan banyaknya situs yang akan blokir entah karena situs/website tersebut mengandung unsur dewasa/porno,situ judi, web proxy atau situs tak layak di akses lainnya, tentu bisa buat jengkel.Nah, untuk itu demi kenyamanan tem
Berikut screenshotnya, Sebagai bukti bahwa saya telah berhasil masuk situs porno/dewasa/bokep tanpa halangan apapun.

Buka situs yang diblokir dengan VPN
Logo Vpn 2010Situs kesayangan anda diblokir oleh ISP Anda, menyebalkan pastinya. Kebebasan berinternet lenyap sudah, situ ini diblokir situs itu diblokir juga... lalu kita bayar internet mahal-malah cuman bisa liat situs itu-itu saja? apa lagi yang Anda tidak sukai. Diblokirnya situ tersebut pastinya mempunyai tujuan baik, tapi kalau salah sasaran jadinya kita yang rugi.
Tapi jangan berkecil hati dulu, ada VPN yang bisa membuka situ yang ISP anda blokir.
Kalau ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang VPN silahkan kunjungi Wikipedia
Berikut ada beberapa VPN gratis yang bisa Anda coba:
Langsung kunjungi situ di atas untuk tutorial instalasi VPN.
Ingat VPN diatas passwordnya berganti tiap beberapa jam biar aman katanya :D
Sebagai contoh ISP saya,
Sejauh yang saya coba ketiga link diatas berhasil semua dan internet sedikit lamban tapi yang penting situs bisa diakses.
Saya ingatkan sekali lagi cara ini khusus buat situs yang diblokir oleh ISP, buka oleh software, dll.

Sekian dari saya, semoga memberi kebebasan berinternet.
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kalau dulu, saat para Netter hendak akses situs porno atau situs berbahaya lainnya yang diblokir Situs Internet Positif atau Aplikasi Nawala Project, sebagian dari kita mungkin hanya berpatokan pada Proxy. sebab, hanya itu trick yang paling mudah untuk membuka Situs Filtering (Internet Positif).
Namun kini, pemakaian proxy itupun juga ikutan terkena imbas dari Internet positif alias sudah di blokir juga. dan dari kabar yang saya dengar, saat ini pihak Telkom sedang Maintenance atau mengatur konfigurasi baru untuk menanggkal hal-hal negatif.
Nah, karena pengaturan konfigurasi telkom tersebut tidak menjangkau pada Virtual Private Network (VPN). Maka, dengan adanya postingan ini siapapun Anda, selama anda memliki akun VPN, anda bisa menggunakan akun anda untuk membuka situs apapun yang diblokir oleh Internet Positif.

vpntraffic disini menyewakan akun VPN Murah dan VPN Cepat

Anonymous Surfing. Maksudnya kita menjelajah internet tanpa terlacak IP asli kita, karena IP komputer kita akan terdeteksi IP lain (anonymous) sesuai dengan IP server VPN yang dipakai. Jadi kita online aman dari serangan hacker.

Keamanan informasi yang kita terima atau terkirim sata ber-internet sangat aman, karena data ter-enkripsi stkitar VPN 128 bit /1024 bit.

Dapat mengakses apapun itu situs-situs yang diblokir. Sekarang undang-undang IT semakin ketat saja, akibatnya banyak situs-situs lokal ataupun internasional yang kena blokir.

Menjaga keamanan username dan password kita saat login ke website-website financial dari hacker dan sniffers.

Kecepatan akses internet sedikit lebih cepat karena menggunakan DNS luar yang menyesuaikan dengan kebanyakan hosting-hosting website kebanyakan.

Username dan Password akun VPN bisa direquest sesuai keinginan Anda sendiri.

Virtual private network (VPN) : Sebuah koneksi yang aman antara dua bagian dari sebuah jaringan pribadi yang digunakan pada sebuah jaringan publik seperti Internet untuk mengurangi biaya operasional.

Anda harus bekerja walau sedang tidak berada di kantor. Mungkin saat Anda tengah berada di jalan atau bekerja di rumah, atau sedang berada di lapangan di tengah-tengah proyek, Anda memerlukan akses ke file-file, e-mail, dan database di kantor pusat Anda. Mengkoneksikan diri langsung ke server kantor Anda mungkin merupakan salah satu solusi, tetapi hal tersebut bisa menjadi sangat mahal dan memerlukan hardware dan dukungan teknis yang rumit. Mengirim file melalui Internet mungkin menjadi sarana yang paling mudah, tetapi belum tentu file yang Anda kirim aman dari para pengendus (sniffer) yang suka mencuri dan mengintip rahasia orang lain. Jadi, kenapa tidak Anda bawa saja jaringan tersebut kemana-mana?

Anda dapat mengakses secara aman pada jaringan bisnis Anda dengan biaya semurah telepon lokal. Pertanyaannya adalah, bagaimana caranya? Gunakan saja jaringan Internet dan sebuah virtual private network (VPN). Dengan VPN, Anda tidak perlu pusing-pusing mengurus instalasi yang rumit--yang Anda perlukan hanyalah mendapatkan sebuah ISP (internet service provider) untuk mengelola VPN tersebut untuk Anda.

Di sini Anda dapat menemukan harga kami dan lihat harga kami adalah harga terendah!

Anda juga dapat memesan satu VPN hari untuk menguji kualitas VPN kami

Kecepatan cepat dan harga murah!

VpnTraffic - membuka blok Internet Anda,akses Skype,VOIP,saluran TV dan streaming video seperti Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer.Bypass lokasi blok! lebih dari 40 Negara dengan VPN server Dunia. Support untuk PPTP dan L2TP/IPSec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Vous êtes français hors de France et vous voulez regarder la télévision sur internet?

Vous êtes français hors de France et vous voulez regarder la télévision sur internet?

Vous êtes français hors de France et vous voulez regarder la télévision sur internet?
Les chanes limitent l'accs aux programmes de flux pour les personnes qui se connectent l'Internet partir de la France.

Qui na pas souhait regarder des missions franaises depuis ltranger? Si la dmarche parat simple, cela nest pas toujours facile dans le cas des expatris qui sont dordinaire confronts des sites web bloqus.
Pourquoi utiliser un Vpn pour regarder la tl?
Le problme se pose gnralement au niveau du zonage gographique pour la diffusion des vidos en replay ou en direct. En effet, il y va de la compatibilit technique des chanes qui sont volontairement bloques depuis ltranger.
Cela se reconnat facilement aux messages derreurs des liens que vous souhaitez visionner. Les images des sites web et autres missions vidos ne sont ainsi autorises quaux rsidents. Cest une manire de se protger du piratage de donnes. Cest l quentre en jeu le Vpn.
Comment cela fonctionne-t-il?
Pour schmatiser le processus, vous devrez vous connecter depuis un simple ordinateur domestique que vous prendrez soin de relier votre tlviseur. De l, vous pourrez accder directement aux diffrentes chanes de tlvision sur le web grce un Vpn francais.
Cela veut dire que ladresse IP du pays depuis lequel vous vous connect sera remplac par une autre adresse IP localise en France. De ce fait, tout se fait de manire anonyme!
Lavantage dutiliser un Vpn pour voir la tl franaise
En consquence, vous pourrez visionner toutes les missions non-autorises sur place, exactement comme si vous tiez! A titre dexemple, vous pourrez tlchargement en toute scurit vos missions prfres ou encore regarder les sites web proposant des services de tlvision en streaming. Autre point essentiel, veillez bien vrifier les conditions gnrales dutilisation des sites web.
Quel Vpn pour moi? Vous pouvez par exemple opter pour le Vpn Zatto France ou encore dautres Vpn tels le JCVpn qui proposent daccder des chanes franaises en haute dfinition telles que TV5 Monde, France 2, France 3 ou Virgin17.

VPN pour voir la TV franaise Los Angeles
VpnTraffic vous permet de regarder les chaines franaises grce un systme simple, efficace et lgal. Le systme de VPN permet via une connexion scuris de chang votre adresse IP trangre par une IP franaise et ainsi davoir accs aux sites de replay ou de direct de TF1, M6, France 2, France 3, canal +
Bienvenue sur VPNTraffic,

VPNTraffic, cest la solution lgale pour tous les expatris souhaitant regarder la tlvision franaise ou naviguer en toute scurit. VPNTraffic utilise la technologie VPN pour vous fournir les services de tlvision franaise par Internet.
Il vous suffit davoir une connexion haut dbit puis nous nous occupons dinstaller la solution. En 24h (jours ouvrables) vous aurez accs aux chanes franaises et bien dautres services (VOD, radio, services internet ).
Nutilisez plus les VPN instables que lon peut trouver sur Internet, qui ne vous assurent pas la confidentialit de vos donnes, prenez un VPN sr et gr par des experts des rseaux internet.

VpnTraffic - Contournez les restrictions dinternet et la censure. Choisir la localisation dun serveur pour sy connecter, Localisation virtuelle dans plus de 35 pays dans le monde.Support et L2TP/IPSec.
* Avez-vous besoin dacceder sites Web tels que Facebook, Twitter, et plus ?
* Etes vous dans le besoin de changer votre adresse IP ?
* Regarder Netflix En dehors des Etats-Unis ?
VpnTraffic vous propose les fonctionnalits suivantes pour votre Android:
- 1 application pour se connecter nos serveurs VPN, configuration gratuite!
- Enregistrement du nom dutilisateur / mots de passe,
- Pas de limitations de bande passante
- Connexion internet chiffre
- Contournez les restrictions dinternet et la censure gouvernementale.
- Switcher entre differents emplacements de serveur VPN (+35 serveurs autour du monde)
- Support PPTP et L2TP/IPSec
- Support de donnes wifi, 3G, GSM, et tout autre support de donnes mobiles

Serveurs VPN autour du monde:
- Europe: Royaume-Uni, France, Allemagne, Sude, Russie, Espagne, Suisse, Italie, Pays-Bas, Norvge, Danemark, Belgique, Rpublique tchque, la Pologne, la Roumanie
- Amrique: Etats-Unis, Canada, Mexique, Colombie, Argentine, Brsil
- Asie: Chine, Inde, Japon, Emirats Arabes Unis, la Malaisie, Singapour, la Core, la Turquie, lIndonsie, la Thalande, les Philippines, Hong Kong, au Vietnam, Isral, lArabie saoudite, le Kowet
- Autre: lAustralie
Non seulement pour les appareils Android , VpnTraffic supporte diffrent Os, Scurisez votre PC ou Mac.
VpnTraffic inclut plusieurs packages.Pour plus dinformation ou de support, visitez
What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
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What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

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Friday, September 6, 2013

vpn for mac disini yuk

vpn for mac disini yuk

vpn for mac disini yuk
Ok.. sekarang lagi marak dan tidak sedikit pro-kontra vpn karena banyak yang memperjualbelikan vpn..
yuah, kita ngobrolin semua tentang vpn disini (apa itu vpn, cara install, cara pakenya,dll)...
Buka aplikasi Settings
Klik pada General
Klik pada Jaringan
Klik pada VPN
Klik pada Add VPN Konfigurasi
Pilih L2TP
Pada kolom Description, masukkan vpntraffic
Di bidang Server, masukkan server Anda disediakan (misalnya:
Di bidang Akun, masukkan username disediakan
Dalam bidang Kata Sandi, masukkan kata sandi Anda disediakan
Di bidang Rahasia, masukkan vpn
Pastikan Kirim Semua Lalu Lintas diatur ke ON
Klik Simpan
Lebih Jelasnya Lihat Gambar di bawah ini :

Kelebihan Penggunaan VPN

* Membuka blokir semua website yang di blacklist oleh ISP Indonesia / mem-baypass semua blokirnya.

* Menyembunyikan IP Public anda dari hacker atau website tertentu

* Dengan VPN memberikan kebebasan anda 100% di internet

* Membuka encrypts traffic yang diproteksi oleh Wi-Fi / Hot Spots.

* Melindungi keamanan data password, kartu kredit, dan transaksi elektronik lainnya dari pencurian password.

* IP Public komputer anda akan tergantikan dengan IP Public luar negri dan Provider ISP anda tidak dapat mengetahui apa yang anda lakukan dalam kegiatan internet sehari-hari anda.

*Tidak dibutuhkan proxy lagi karena akses ke dunia maya dengan keamanan encrypted hingga 2.048bit.

Virtual private network (VPN) : Sebuah koneksi yang aman antara dua bagian dari sebuah jaringan pribadi yang digunakan pada sebuah jaringan publik seperti Internet untuk mengurangi biaya operasional.

Anda harus bekerja walau sedang tidak berada di kantor. Mungkin saat Anda tengah berada di jalan atau bekerja di rumah, atau sedang berada di lapangan di tengah-tengah proyek, Anda memerlukan akses ke file-file, e-mail, dan database di kantor pusat Anda. Mengkoneksikan diri langsung ke server kantor Anda mungkin merupakan salah satu solusi, tetapi hal tersebut bisa menjadi sangat mahal dan memerlukan hardware dan dukungan teknis yang rumit. Mengirim file melalui Internet mungkin menjadi sarana yang paling mudah, tetapi belum tentu file yang Anda kirim aman dari para pengendus (sniffer) yang suka mencuri dan mengintip rahasia orang lain. Jadi, kenapa tidak Anda bawa saja jaringan tersebut kemana-mana?

Anda dapat mengakses secara aman pada jaringan bisnis Anda dengan biaya semurah telepon lokal. Pertanyaannya adalah, bagaimana caranya? Gunakan saja jaringan Internet dan sebuah virtual private network (VPN). Dengan VPN, Anda tidak perlu pusing-pusing mengurus instalasi yang rumit--yang Anda perlukan hanyalah mendapatkan sebuah ISP (internet service provider) untuk mengelola VPN tersebut untuk Anda.

Di sini Anda dapat menemukan harga kami dan lihat harga kami adalah harga terendah!

Anda juga dapat memesan satu VPN hari untuk menguji kualitas VPN kami

Kecepatan cepat dan harga murah!

VpnTraffic - membuka blok Internet Anda,akses Skype,VOIP,saluran TV dan streaming video seperti Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer.Bypass lokasi blok! lebih dari 40 Negara dengan VPN server Dunia. Support untuk PPTP dan L2TP/IPSec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

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